Updates; Site, Stories, Other:

First, I have updated the site look, again. I like this enough, so far, to pay for the theme. let me know what y’all think.

Second, I will be uploading more of my stuff shortly. Keep an eye out. As always comments are welcome; good or bad. Though I just write when I get in the mood or have time and sometimes the grammar and spelling suffer. I would rather get my stuff out there than nitpick it apart causing long delays. So, be a bit forgiving.

Third, there is a new section called Ideas. this will hold stuff I have jotted down and have yet to decide what I am doing with it. WARNING – this will be ideas, snippits, and will be VERY rough.

Fourth, I will be trying to do NanoWriMo this year. I will pick something from the Ideas area to work on. Feedback on what you think I should work on would be taken in to consideration. Unless, that is, the idea gods smile upon me. 😉

Nice place to Write from – wouldn’t you say?

Blogs. Tweets. Pins. Grams. FB posts. LI posts. Youtube vids. Giffy clips. Who knows what else. So many ways to put what is on your mind into words. A lot of those thoughts, inspirations, concerns, complaints need not ever grace the ‘page’ of anyone else. We are being tuned to share. EVERYTHING!.

Not me. I ‘social’ very little. You don’t have time and neither do I. This blog will be about my writing. That’s it. No politics, unless it is about a story I am working on, no ‘guess what I had for breakfast’. Just my stories. Hope you will be happy with just this.

Thanks for visiting my site. I encourage feedback. I even built in some different ways to give it. Read. Enjoy.